Sunday, April 11, 2010

Children Education- Change???

I used to argue as I used to think that it will take at least 2-3 generations to see a changed India, India with 100 percent literacy, a country with none struggling for three times a day food, where every child would go to school to get the education, a country where everyone has their own thoughts, their own dream and the opportunity to express and achieve them.
May be I was wrong. It seems with the RIGHT TO EDUCATION bill legislated by Manmohan Singh’s government the better India is going to be before us very soon. It gives me a ray of hope and will yield fruits if it takes the right path.
I do see people scared of discrimination in school against the poor and its consequences, but to me the other side fascinates where every child would go to school, for some of them this has been a dream and for some this would have always remained as a dream. The discrimination problem, if exists, would slowly fade and harmonious environment would soon exist. Children are not aware of these discriminations and there are no such things among friends.
It is sad that not all these children will be able to experience all the fun that others have, pay for extracurricular activities like swimming, music, or Spanish lessons and not all these children could pay for tours and picnics but would at least be able to do what matters the most to them, “get education”.
It is now on government to execute the law correctly and schools and institution should cooperate with it for the better. The support of every Indian is required to make it successful. May this bill fulfills the dream of every children to get the education and of every Indian for changed and better India. I wish the best.

Monday, April 5, 2010


It was always been a dream to get hugged by my parents after receiving my Engineering degree certificate on my Convocation. But unfortunately my parents could not make it on my graduation day to my college to see their son declared as an Engineer.

But the day succeeded to remain special one to me (Suraj Sharma) with the REUNION of FRIENDS in the college after a long gap of over 9 months for which we had been longing for and the REUNION took us back to our happy college days..

It was a strange but a wondrous feeling to enter into the college again after a very long time through the gate where we used to hang out after college hours, and walk inside the college slowly feeling the college was extremely pleased to see us back. I was just feeling being in our own place with friends but still felt lost.. A kind of strange feeling couldn’t express it clearly. It was like we were so happy to see ourselves back to the college and then suddenly realizing that we no longer are the students of the college and we have already left the college.

We visited the class rooms where we used to have our lectures, and we were feeling those days when we used to be there to attend lectures just waiting for it to end. We could just wish those days are back again and every one of us could sit in the class and have all those great times together.

We were just ending up laughing remembering all horrible times we had in the class. As every one was in the same mental state, we preferred silence over there, the silence that lecturers used to ask us to maintain and the silence we rarely used to maintain there. We knew we couldn’t be in those rooms for a long time and so came out of the class with a feeling of pain.
Everything seemed so intimate but still so strange. The stair case that leads to the class, the notice boards, the seminar hall, the labs, the temporary staff room where we had good times together with the staffs, the department library, the HOD room, the gate and the plants outside the department seemed to posses lives and were summoning us just to inform that they too miss us as we do. I was perplexed to see how suddenly these lifeless objects seemed so lively and how we developed an intimacy towards them.

We received the certificates and were declared engineers in the ceremony. Right after, we had photo sessions and met friends’ parents who have arrived there to see one of their dreams come true. I could notice a sense of gratification in them for their children and could understand how emotional the moment for them was.
The exciting and cheerful moments seemed to fade slowly as it saw few of the closest friends departing. Probably it is because we all knew life is not going to stop there forever and now it is our time to be responsible and look after the family. Life has to move on and we have got others job to do.
However few of us were still there for one more day when we started feeling pain deep inside the heart to be there with half of the friends gone already and so left the place early morning the next day.
Something in me doesn’t understand that this is the part of life and I am going to face these departures and feel this pain more often in days to come in my life and I need to learn to live with this, as our life doesn’t go the way we wish for and we do not get it the way we expect. Better it is to feel the pain as to live a complete life it is essential to feel all of these kinds of pain which would make us realize the importance of the stuffs that we are going to miss and we have missed and of course it means the stuffs we have got.
I got the opportunity to embrace these moments in my life and it was a lot worth to travel 1400km for 19th TPGIT Graduation Day and for which I would like to thank TPGIT from the bottom of my heart for organizing such a memorable ceremony for us. Cheer in life.. Happy days Ahead as well..